Know Your Stock/Mutual Fund/ETF with AI Generated Reports.

Get all the critical insights in one place for just $10* per report.

We think you can decide if you should be long or short on a given stock with right amount of data.

Report is AI generated. We use chatGPT 4.0 APIs and summarization technique from LLM to search and consolidate the summary.

Sample Report

With each report, you get:

Fundamental Analysis
Technical Analysis
The last earning report summary with earning call meeting details. You don't need to attend those meetings.
5 things you must know about the company before you sell or buy their stocks.
Market recommendations/ cost from bigger companies.
10 research links and summary - Again saving of your time.

Institutional investors (like hedge funds) have dedicated analysts, time, and acceess to many data sources before they buy or sell a stock.

We believe given the time and data you can also make money like hedge fund investors and hence this AI generated stock report so you get all information in one place.

Why Choose Us

Low Cost

You could be making much more profit or you could save much more in losses with right information in the report.

Saving time for you

No need to attend lengthy earning report calls. We also do 10+ sites you should research before trading.

AI Generated

We use ChatGPT 4.0 API. We let you decide by giving all information in neutral way with references.

Contact Us

Don't leave your hard earned money sitting on the table contact us today!

* = Five or more reports for this price.